
Moorlangues Magazine Issue 1

Issue 1 - September 2009


There were loads of interesting things to highlight in the first issue of Moorlangues. Firstly, in the Travel section, we had an anecdotal account of the Moorlands VI Form College Paris trip in January 2009, as well as a fascinating diary account from the college expedition to India in summer 2009. We also had a 'Cornel Cymraeg' for those who take an interest in studying more diverse languages, and an article on the European Day of Languages on September 26th 2009.


In the creative writing section, we had an interesting short story about a spaceship written in German and a descriptive acrostic of the ‘La Tour Eiffel’, written by James Hall whilst on the Paris trip. There were also photographs from the Paris trip and India expedition in the centrefold of the magazine.

 he Moorlangues Committee.

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Moorlangues Magazine Issue 2

Issue 2 - January 2010


There were loads more interesting things to highlight in the second issue of Moorlangues. Firstly, in the Travel section, we had two anecdotal accounts of the Moorlands VI Form College Limoges trip in October 2009 and the India expedition in summer 2009. We also had a 'Cornel Cymraeg' Christmas special for those who take an interest in studying more diverse languages, and an insightful article on the many beneficial reasons to study languages.


In the creative writing section, we had an interesting fairy tale about a tadpole written in German and an enjoyable German crossword. There were also photographs from the recent German Christmas Market and Limoges trips in the centrefold of the magazine.


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